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2010 Conference Speakers

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Saved by Nancy Proctor
on July 25, 2010 at 12:56:06 pm

The keynote speakers for Tue 7 Sept 2010:

Jane Burton, Tate
Jane Burton is Head of Content and Creative Director, Tate, London. She is responsible for developing and delivering the creative strategy for Tate’s video and film productions, and for digital interpretation at the four Tate galleries.  Her current film productions include a series of documentaries about artists for UK television, the video podcast series TateShots, and animation-based programmes on art for children. Her most recent work on handheld tours includes the UK’s first tour for the iPod touch and iPhone, launched for the Gustav Klimt show at Tate Liverpool in May 2008, and a pilot multimedia tour for school groups that invites user generated content. She initially joined Tate in 1999, as Tate Modern’s Curator of Interpretation, where, in 2002, she introduced the first wireless multimedia tour to be used in a gallery. Before that, she worked as a journalist and art critic for national newspapers.

Nancy Proctor, Smithsonian Institution

With a PhD in American art history and a background in filmmaking, curation and art criticism, Nancy Proctor published her first online exhibition in 1995. She co-founded TheGalleryChannel.com in 1998 with Titus Bicknell to present virtual tours of innovative exhibitions alongside comprehensive global museum and gallery listings. TheGalleryChannel was later acquired by Antenna Audio, where Nancy headed up New Product Development for nearly 8 years, introducing the company’s multimedia, sign language, downloadable, podcast and cellphone tours. She also led Antenna’s sales in France from 2006-2007. When Antenna Audio was acquired by Discovery Communications in 2006, Nancy worked with the Travel Channel’s product development team and subsequently headed up research and development for the nascent Discovery Audio brand. She joined the Smithsonian in 2008 as Head of New Media at the American Art Museum, and in 2010 took on the role of Head of Mobile Strategy and Initiatives across the Institution. She continues to teach, lecture and publish widely on museum interpretation for digital platforms, while managing MuseumMobile.info and its wiki and podcast series on mobile interpretation, content and technology for cultural sites. In 2009 Nancy was appointed Digital Editor of Curator: The Museum Journal. This year Nancy is Program Chair for the 2010 Museums Computer Network (MCN) and co-organizer of the Tate Handheld conferences.


Rob Stein, Indianapolis Museum of Art

Ted Forbes, Dallas Museum of Art

Mike Saunders, Kew Gardens

Margriet Schavemaker, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam


Peter Samis, SFMOMA
Peter Samis is Associate Curator of Interpretation at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA). In 1993, he served as art historian/content expert for the first CD-ROM on modern art; later he spearheaded the first implementation of multimedia PDAs in an art museum for SFMOMA’s 2002 Points of Departure exhibition. Programmes produced by SFMOMA's Interactive Educational Technologies (IET) team have received wide recognition, recently including three AAM Muse Awards in 2006 and a “Best of the Web” in the category Innovative and Experimental” for SFMOMA Artcasts at Museums and the Web 2007. Samis currently sits on the board of the New Media Consortium (www.nmc.org), serves as adjunct professor at the University of Lugano, and on the governing councils of two museum-focused open source initiatives: Pachyderm 2.0 (www.pachyderm.org) and steve (www.steve.museum), the art museum social tagging project. 


Jason DaPonte, BBC 

Demonstration of mobile mixed reality by Tomotsugo Kondo, Open University (Japan)

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