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Page history last edited by Nancy Proctor 14 years, 1 month ago

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Welcome to Tate's Handheld Conference Wiki:

 The wiki was begun in 2008 in preparation for Tate's first Handheld Conference: From Audiotours to iPhones. Since then it has continued to grow as a resource and repository for case studies and best practice in mobile interpretation for museums.



2010 Handheld Conference – 

Museums and Mobiles in the Age of Social Media –

at Tate Modern in London 


September 6: workshop by invitation only (program)

September 7: plenary symposium 10am-5:30pm

Book your place for the open September 7 Symposium on Tate's website.


All are welcome to join the September 8 Mobile Content Standards Summit

Free, generously hosted by Tate Modern


Please join us! Help us design the Handheld Conference you most want to attend!







Comments (11)

Anonymous said

at 7:20 am on Jan 4, 2010

Changed Victor into Vincent, just a small adjustment ;-) Thanks for posting my suggestion Nancy!

With kind regards,

Vincent Ronden

morag.hutcheson@pc.gc.ca said

at 8:41 am on Jan 19, 2010

Making some of the sessions available via Webcasting would be great. This may be the only way us Canadians can particiapte!

Anonymous said

at 8:44 am on Jan 19, 2010

That would be great! Living in Holland makes it hard to visit the conference ;-)

Maartje said

at 9:01 am on Jan 19, 2010

Agree with Vincent and Morag.
Would love to visit the actual event, as the information from the first one in 2008 was a great help to my internship research on handheld devices in museums.

But a webcast or short clips on YouTube would be great too!

Silvia Filippini Fantoni said

at 1:20 pm on Jul 22, 2010

It is now official I received the email. Looking forward to coming to the conference.
On the email it mentioned some speakers, is there a programme and a schedule? I am particularly interested in the pre-conference events, especially if you decide to do a game.
As far as the conference is concerned, I would like to hear more about issues such as way finding and orientation, which are still very much relevant but that disappeared a bit from the radar. These are important issues that concerns in particular large museums. When I was working at the BM multimedia guide this was a key issue and considering we could not rely on any location-aware technology, we had to find a creative way of doing that. I wonder how other large organizations such as LACMA, or the American Museum of Natural History, the Rijkmuseum, which have been developing multimedia guide projects in the past few years have dealt with these issues.

Other points of interest:
1) webapps versus iphone apps
2) difference between US and European markets

Sandy Goldberg said

at 9:06 am on Aug 3, 2010

Hello Silvia! In response to your query, thought you'd like to see this - re: AMNH - if you haven't already:

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Sandy Goldberg

Scott Guerin said

at 2:06 pm on Jul 22, 2010


I am getting a virus threat message on the MuseumMobile Wiki. My AVG scanner says "Link to Exploit Site (type 1317)" and wont let me open the site "for my own protection" Anyone else with the issue?

Tx Scott

Nancy Proctor said

at 10:11 am on Jul 25, 2010

Scott, we've scanned and checked out the Museum Mobile wiki and cannot detect any virus activity. Can you try again?

Ed Rodley said

at 5:01 pm on Jul 29, 2010

Does anyone have recommendations on inexpensive, but not dodgy, places to stay near the Tate?

Chris Alexander said

at 5:58 pm on Jul 29, 2010

Ed there was a place by the Tate called the Southwark Rose that I think the Tate had arrangements with. Not sure if this is still in effect. My wife and I loved its location.
Have a great time!

Mia said

at 8:20 am on Sep 3, 2010

Hopefully this won't cause too many problems, but there's probably a tube strike on Monday: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-11174556

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