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Keynote Presentation: Peter Samis

Page history last edited by Chris Alexander 16 years ago


Audio tour, PDA, mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, or a proprietary device?  At SFMOMA, we've been exploring with all of these formats over the years, and evaluating visitor response to get a sense of their preferences. For the exhibition "Matthew Barney; Drawing Restraint," the same content was delivered over three devices - via podcast downloaded pre-visit, traditional audiotours available in the Museum's atrium, or via mobile phone in the galleries. Evaluation offered insights into the unique attributes of each platform and visitor use patterns. These trials, the lessons learned, and the museum's latest initiatives in tour technology are discussed.  

Link to presentation on Slideshare.

Comments (1)

Chris Alexander said

at 12:41 pm on Sep 18, 2008


Hope you don't mind me embedding your presentation on the page here for consistency. I'm a bit particular I guess? ;0)

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