
Mind Map Handheld Basics

Page history last edited by Nancy Proctor 15 years, 7 months ago

Mind Map Handheld Basics  


Mind Map by Dan Porter and James Baylay

and below the image that inspired the 'in tree swing', from http://successful-projectmanagement.blogspot.com/2008/07/project-management-project-life-cycle.html:



Top Tips for Handheld Basics:


  1. It’s not about the technology
  2. It is about the story
  3. Think about voice
  4. Think about context
  5. Think globally ('distributed museum')
  6. But act locally (recognize the specificity of platforms, experiences, audiences)
  7. Know content vs. technology
  8. Work in web standards
  9. Turn visitors into teachers
  10. Build for humans


From Nancy Proctor's keynote address at the Tate Conference: Handheld Basics: Top 10 Tips for a successful mobile solution (…and a few more)


See also: Audio Tours 101c: Top 10 Tips in under 10 Minutes Podcast interview with Chris Tellis, founder of Antenna Audio, on MuseumMobile.info


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