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Mind Map Platforms

Page history last edited by Nancy Proctor 15 years, 10 months ago

Mind Map Platforms 


Mind Map by Dan Porter and James Baylay

Comments (1)

Bruce Falk said

at 7:58 am on Sep 17, 2008

With respect to the consideration of platforms, I wanted to share the following link: http://www.slideshare.net/rudydw/15-tips-to-create-value-for-mobile-mobilemonday-amsterdam-presentation/

There may be an opportunity to work with Nokia to develop a generic open-license interface built off Symbian (at least, someone I find highly credible contacted me recently about this in connection with possible development of an architecture tour for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum). Can't speak to viability, but it may be worth exploring. Please contact me if you have an interest in this.

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