The Handheld Handbook: Capturing and developing best practices in mobile interpretation for museums
Please let us know if you can help with the planning or presentation of the workshop.
Aimed at both experienced mobile developers and museum professionals just getting started with handheld platforms, this workshop is designed to capture and share best practice in developing mobile interpretation programs in museums. We hope both to help those new to these platforms get started and avoid common pitfalls, and to gather new ideas and challenges to carry the conversation to the next level and begin collectively developing the next generation of mobile solutions.
In the first 20 minutes of the session, four presenters will review ‘top tips’ mapped by an earlier workshop of 30 museum professionals from around the world with experience in the full range of handheld platforms. These Mind Maps cover four major areas of handheld development, and can be found online on the Handheld Wiki that came out of this earlier workshop:
- Handheld basics: good tour design
- Choosing the platform: audio tour, cellphone, iPhone, proprietary devices...
- Getting it done: what you can do in-house, outsource, cutting costs & attracting revenues (Silvia's presentation)
- Advanced handhelds: working cross-platform & pre-purposing content; the virtuous circle of pre-, during- & post-visit services; next generation (UGC, social networking...)
Next, Koven will do a 10 minute presentation of his paper for the work shop on ‘next generation’ handheld development, followed by small group discussion in response to the presentation (20 min). The discussion will be facilitated by contributors to the original Mind Maps and Handheld Wiki. In closing, participants will be asked to report back to the whole group in response to the questions:
- What works and doesn’t work for your museum of what you’ve seen presented today? The answers to this question will help us in the ongoing refinement of our best practice recommendations.
- What would you propose/like to develop instead? Here we collect new ideas and look towards next generation mobile interpretation requirements.
The outcomes of the workshop discussion will be added to the Handheld Wiki so that the conversation and collaboration can continue. Workshop participants can also join the Wiki before the workshop, to post questions and key issues for the presenters and facilitators to address.
Comments (2)
Nancy Proctor said
at 12:24 pm on Mar 18, 2009
Hi all, the link to Koven's paper should go live on the M&W site momentarily, at which point I'll add it.
Workshop presenters: Can we divide up the presentation of the mindmaps as follows? Handheld Basics by Nancy; Platforms by Peter; Advanced Handhelds by Allegra. Can someone from Tate do 'Getting it done'? If not, other suggestions as to who from the Sept conference crowd could do it? If Nik is coming to M&W, he could do the 'Basics' and I could do 'Getting it done', or vice versa...
I think this page is probably a good place to hammer out final details, but if everyone wants, we can also try to schedule a conf call...
Silvia Filippini Fantoni said
at 11:24 am on Mar 24, 2009
When is the workshop? Is it new? The last time I checked there was nothing about ahandheld workshop. I'd love to help but I will arrive on the afternoon of the 15th, which is probably too late. If I had known before I would have booked a plane a day early.
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