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Symposium Schedule

Page history last edited by Nancy Proctor 16 years, 1 month ago

Draft Schedule for Friday, September 5 Symposium


In each of the four sessions, two keynote speakers will present two short case studies to highlight their most salient experiences relevant to the session topic.  Then the other panel members will talk through the tips and debate that came out of the workshop for the theme, before taking questions from the floor.


Starr Auditorium, Level 2, Tate Modern, 10:00-18:00


10:00: Registration

10:20: Introduction by Jane Burton and Nancy Proctor

10:30: Session 1: Handheld basics: good tour design principles

11:30: Tea & coffee

12:00: Session 2: Choosing the platform: audio tour, cellphone, iPhone, proprietary device...

13:00: Lunch

14:30: Session 3: Getting it done: what you can do in-house, outsource, cutting costs & attracting revenues

15:30: Tea & Coffee

16:00: Session 4: Advanced handhelds: working cross-platform & pre-purposing content; the virtuous circle of pre-, during- & post-visit services; next generation (UGC, social networking...)

17:00: Closing panel Q&A

17:30: Drinks



Sample Session


Introduction (Chair 1)


Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Panel discussion





End of Session


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