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Saved by Anonymous
on January 30, 2010 at 5:31:09 am
This could perhaps be an interesting pre-conference game/challenge.
If it's ok with Nancy Proctor, the winner(s) of this challenge could get a chance to present their concept during the conference or someone could do it for them.
Or a prize or something other to reward their effort.
My suggestion is a game which challenges all of you to get the most out of today's technology. Everything is allowed but keep the costs, time/effort to implement and role of the user in mind.
So for those up for the challenge:
How can we get from this:
and this:
to this:
(I'm not neccisarily talking about the game element shown in this video. I'm talking about making the environment come to life and get another or more meaning than it has at the moment.)
This technique could give the visitors of your museum the freedom to just simply point and click at the item displayed in your museum to get al the information they want.
For those ..still.. up for the challenge:
You can do it the hard way: Make item recognition software which combined with an indoor version of GPS allows us to give the user this kind of interaction. Or
You can do it the 'easier' way: Look at today's technologies and find out which ones can bring us a step closer to the goal set above.
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